iGrain India - In the October-December 2024 quarter, a total of 123.80 lakh bales of cotton (170 kg per bale) were delivered to mandis across India. The Cotton Association of India (CAI) has estimated the total production for the current marketing season (2024-25) to be 302 lakh bales, which is a decrease of about 7% compared to the previous season's estimate of 325.22 lakh bales. This drop is attributed to factors such as a sharp decline in cotton sowing by 14 lakh hectares and crop damage from adverse weather and pest attacks.
In the first two months (October-November), 69.22 lakh bales arrived, with 52.52 lakh bales arriving in December alone. The Cotton Corporation of India (CCI) accelerated procurement, encouraging farmers to sell their produce in the mandis.
Here’s a breakdown of cotton arrivals across key states during this period:
- Northern States (Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan): 14.16 lakh bales
- Gujarat: 21.63 lakh bales
- Maharashtra: 22.93 lakh bales
- Madhya Pradesh: 9.52 lakh bales
- Tamil Nadu (NS:TNNP): 53,400 bales
- Odisha: 82,500 bales
- Other States: 30,000 bales