ब्रेकिंग समाचार
सभी इंस्ट्रूमेंट के प्रकार

कृपया अन्य खोज का प्रयास करें

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Foreign Exchange Analytics Foreign Exchange Analytics

Foreign Exchange Analytics has it's roots in both the emerging information technologies and the global economy that characterized the last two decades.  As currency transaction volumes soared in the wake of the 1985 Plaza accord, the need for timely concise information on what forces were driving and would drive exchange rates became critical.

David Gilmore was one of a new breed of analyst that saw a void of relevant, market moving information and analysis amid a plethora of ivory tower economic lecturing.  As an early hire at MCM CurrencyWatch and fresh out of the London School of Economics, Gilmore put theory into practice.  Developing an extensive network with market professionals on the buy and sell side as well as with G7 officials, Gilmore delivered the most relevant, market moving information available anywhere.  At MCM CurrencyWatch he teamed up with FXA's other principal and technical analysis expert, David Solin.  Together they embarked on melding technical analysis with fundamental analysis as many traders do, as opposed to the industry norm of treating the two disciplines as mutually exclusive approaches.

The Gilmore and Solin team made the call to start their own firm and in 1994 they founded Foreign Exchange Analytics, beginning in mid-town Manhattan and then moving to their current location in Essex, CT in 1996.

In 1999 FXA brought Stephen Plant on board to head marketing and sales.  Plant spearheaded FXA's move from sole distribution over Bridge/Telerate to multivendor delivery, including Reuters and the Internet.  Plant's experience came mostly from the buy side, having spent 4 years under George Soros at Quantum fund and 6 years with Louis Bacon of Moore Capital.

While the on-line commentary industry now models the approach Gilmore and Solin introduced over a decade ago, no other commentary service has analysts with the years of experience, network and trusted insights the FXA team brings to the marketplace.

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